Monday, September 29, 2008

Just polyhedrals

This weekend was battery box weekend. Or should I say battery polyhedral weekend! You see, the rear cargo area is not a regular shape.

Now I could put a regular shaped box in the cargo area. But I'd be losing a lot of the nooks and crannies to put batteries. So instead of fifteen I could only fit in twelve. To maximize the space I need the "battery polyhedral".

The downside of this design is that it has almost twenty sides including tops and bottoms. And all of them need to be cut to size.

Now cutting this isn't too bad except I don't like butting the joints together. So for extra strength the top and bottom have rabbit joints for extra support. Which explains why it took most of the weekend to cut these pieces.

Next step. Epoxy paint, assembly, and cutting holes for vents and wires.

Oh and one other thing. The battery layout has changed again (hopefully for the last time).

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