Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just legal

Not to be confused with barely legal :-)

This week marked a milestone for the Electric Vue. I was finally able to get the safety inspection sticker required by the state.

Since putting the vehicle on the road I've been waiting for my local mechanic to get back to me on the inspection. He had no idea what needed to be done for an electric only vehicle and had to check with the state on the inspection requirements. It took a while for the state to get back to him. Finally they did and we went ahead and scheduled it for this week.

Since the vehicle is all electric there is no emmisions inspection. There is a safety inspection requirement. This consists of makings sure all the lights works, turn signals, brakes, tire wear, visual inspection, etc. All this worked fine so there was no trouble passing. Most of the time was spent with the mechanic talking about the conversion, electric vehicles, etc.

The Vue now has over 1500 miles on it and is still working fine. Below is a picture of the battery box in the rear of the vehicle (giant poodle optional component).

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