I still have lots of items on the checklist...fastening the remaining batteries and getting the speedometer to work are high on my list now.
Speaking of the speedometer I was able to track down part of the problem why it wasn't working. There was a bad splice in the sender wire that was easy enough to repair. I went ahead and hooked up my pulse generator (you remember homemade pulse generator I was using for the tach). Anyway I hooked it up and sure enough the speedometer started working. Now I just needed to get it working off the vehicle speed sensor.
Today I took the car for a bit more of a spin (19.4miles). I wanted to get an idea of what my "mileage" (energy use) would be so I could figure out the range. Based on this drive the max range should be in the 45-55 mile. In general you want to keep the average use at about 50% of the max range in order to maximize battery longevity. This is still well above my daily 15 mile roundtrip commute.
For those interested in the numbers:
Total pack energy: 32.5 kW
Usable pack energy: 19.5kW
Usable to prolong battery life: 9.75kW
Total pack amp hours: C/20 225 Ah
Usable pack amp hours: C/1 135 Ah
Usable to prolong battery life: C/1 67.5 Ah
Trip distance: 19.4 miles
kW used: 7.04 kW
Ah used: 52 Ah
Mileage 360W/mile
The last number is the mileage ("MPG"). It is important because it is a measure of the efficiency of the vehicle. It is a function of vehicle weight, aerodynamics, rolling resistance, etc. A very light, aerodynamic vehcile has a watt/mile usage of about 200-250 W/mi. A light truck about 350 W/mi.
Prior to the conversion I was basing my range calculations on 350 W/mi. The fact that I'm in the ballpark before doing anything to improve that mileage (driving habits, alignment, etc) makes me very happy :-)
Thanks for the chance to take a test drive this weekend! What was remarkable for me was how "unremarkable" the car is to drive. Just turn the key, put 'er in gear and let out the clutch. No muss, no fuss. Great job!
Hi, I've been looking through your blog. Nice work. BTW, most of your units are missing the "hours" part. Power is kW (kilowatts) where as energy is kWh (kilowatt-hours). For example your energy use per mile should be stated as 560Wh/mi and your pack energy should be in kWh.
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